Sep 26 2024


  • Abiola Ojebola School Mktg & Comm. Coord.
  • 113

Let’s face it—homework can be a hassle, especially when your child insists, "That's not how my teacher taught me to do it!" But with a few strategies, you can transform this recurring struggle into a meaningful experience. Here’s how you can approach homework with a fresh perspective:

  • Let Your Child Teach and Take Charge: Resist the urge to correct them and let your child teach you what they've learned. This not only reinforces their understanding but also builds their confidence. When working together, be their homework buddy, but allow them to take the lead. Guide them gently, showing that you trust their abilities, which fosters independence and strengthens problem-solving skills.

  • Send It Back and Request a Revisit: Work sent home serves as a gauge of how well your child has grasped a concept. If they’re struggling, don’t be afraid to send the work back to school and request that the lesson be revisited. This isn't about "failing"—it's about ensuring your child fully understands the material, which ultimately benefits their learning journey.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Did they solve a tricky math problem? Finished reading a chapter? Celebrate these victories! Positive reinforcement goes a long way in building a love for learning. Recognizing their efforts, even in small ways, keeps them motivated and eager to tackle the next challenge.

By turning homework into an opportunity to connect and support your child’s learning, you’re helping them build skills that go beyond the classroom. Remember, it’s not just about getting the work done—it’s about fostering a love for learning that will last a lifetime!

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