Jun 15 2024


  • Judith Osuoha School Admin
  • 12373

Last week, we explored a few strategies to help manage our children's behavior effectively. This week, let’s dive into some additional practices that can enhance behavioral guidance.

REPEAT INSTRUCTIONS: Repetition is key to learning and mastering new behaviors. The old adage, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," rings true here. Decide how many times you’ll repeat a command or instruction before taking action. For younger children, repeating two or three times is typically sufficient, while older children may require even less repetition. Start by giving a clear warning about the consequences of not following a rule, and then ensure you follow through if the rule continues to be ignored.

BE CONSISTENT: Consistency is crucial yet often the most challenging aspect of managing behavior. Being consistent with rules and following through with consequences is essential. Children will naturally test boundaries, especially when they sense you're tired or distracted. These moments are when consistency is most critical and effective in reinforcing expected behaviors.

MODEL BEHAVIOR: Your behavior serves as the most powerful example for your child. Demonstrate respect in all interactions and manage their behavior calmly and thoughtfully. Your approach to self-control and respectful behavior provides a clear model for your child to emulate.

By taking deliberate steps and responding thoughtfully to our children’s behaviors, we can foster their best selves. As Catherynne M. Valente wisely observed, "You only had to choose which me to talk to, for, you know, we all change our manners, depending on who has come to chat. One does not behave the same way to a grandfather as to a bosom friend, to a professor as to a curious niece." Our responses and behaviors are shaped by context and interaction, a principle that holds true for guiding our children as well.

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