Oct 21 2023


  • Judith Osuoha School Admin
  • 11663

In these times of economic challenges and relentless increases in the cost of living, what are you doing to communicate this reality to your child without literally saying "Times are hard"? Here are some practical ways you can spend less and save money while ensuring the best for your child.

Prioritize Preventive Care: The age-old adage, 'prevention is better than cure,' holds truer than ever. Ensure that the house is always clean and tidy and make your child a member of the house cleaning team even for the tiniest task; Implement routine fumigation of the house and environment; Regulate air conditioning usage to minimize the risk of colds and flu; and Schedule regular check-ups and vaccinations to safeguard against costly health issues.

Trim Unnecessary Expenses: Identify activities or habits that take up a chunk of your finances, for example dining out, impulsive purchases, excessive subscription services, etc. and consider other alternatives.

Cooking at home with your child could be both a learning and bonding time and it is typically more budget-friendly.

Cancel or downgrade subscriptions and online memberships that does not benefit your child as this will reduce screen time and create more time for physical interactions with your child.

Plan your shopping together with your child, and use the opportunity to teach the difference between Needs and Wants.

Conserve Energy: Teach your child to turn off lights and appliances when not in use; do not leave the tap running without using the water; alternate the use of fans and air conditioners; avoid wastage of food as much as possible.

Our children must be a part of these practices and routines so they can understand the "Why" behind the changes they see.

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